0 comments / Posted by Ann Wilt

2024’s school horse of the year Fred here with some important news!


Entries for the Spring Knollwood show start tomorrow, March 20.

You may call it a horse show, but for us, the best lesson horses in the world, we refer to the event as our Spring Recital.

We’re proud and grateful to be part of this nationally recognized lesson program. We work in a competition-based riding school, so this is our time to show off our riders' skills, and our own

abilities as well.

Why should all Knollwood Kids participate in our in-barn shows? Well, we’re proud to be a competition-based program.  

What’s a competition-based program?

We equine faculty members believe that showing horses teaches persistence, mental organization, problem solving, resilience, creativity, and compassion. There’s nothing better.

Did you know that in 2024 alone Knollwood’s show riders earned 17 national and world championship titles? And did you know that many of those riders enjoyed lessons with me at the start of their riding lives? Here at Knollwood, we’re always working towards the same goal: to turn out skilled horse people who know how to compete.

All of the lesson horses have a job to do in this process, as they help riders learn and improve their riding skills.

Us real horses, AKA the slip stall horses, teach riders at the start of the process. We provide the foundation. We teach posting, steering, stopping, and all the building blocks that make a rider. We rock.

Of course, there’s a progression of horse instructors as a rider improves their skills.  Knollwood has what the instructors refer to as the ‘library’ in the school barn. Instructors enjoy a selection of horses and can always find the perfect mount for each rider’s lesson of the day.  As skills advance, riders have more horses available for their education.

The 'fancy horses,' AKA the box stall horses who are reserved for riders who have chosen to join the academy travel team teach more advanced show skills including patterns and show ring strategies.

Photo by Hanna Agathen

Knollwood shows offer Knollwood Kids a way to apply their skills in a different setting.  Riders get to choose horses on their entry forms, and the instructors review the selections. (Please choose me!!)

Instructors assign horses based on a number of factors including a rider’s experience, the show division, whether the horse involved enjoys showing, and of course, the horse’s schedule for the weekend.

Photo by Hannah Agathen

Each rider will have plenty of time to practice on their horse prior to the recital. We brilliant lesson horses will teach showing rules and etiquette and build the confidence of each rider we’re partnered with. We love Knollwood shows.

The atmosphere on show weekends can’t be beat.

We horses are treated like absolute kings and queens, with spa treatments and fancy saddle pads. Our behavior at shows is a big part of our annual performance reviews, so we’re extra sparkly in the ring.

The personal assistants are the best and they take care of us all weekend.

For those of you who don’t get food delivered to your stall, there’s a concession stand, and there are even gift baskets you can win!

Lots of nice Knollwood Kids and parents man the tents of food and other fun show activities. You’ll even get a chance to volunteer to join the fun.


Please consider this your personal invitation to participate in our recital, your Spring show.

You'll learn, you'll make new friends, and you'll get to spend time with the best lesson horses in the world.

What's Coming Up?

Parents Night Out

Saturday, April 5

All Knockouts are invited to join the officers and board members for a night of fun at the barn. For only $25, you'll enjoy pre-Easter fun, dinner, and of course, games in the arena.  Please talk to your instructor or an admin to join the event.

Knollwood Spring Entries Due

April 10

Entries are due for the Knollwood Spring Show May 16-18.

IASPHA Spring Show

April 12-13

Our first academy show of 2025 is almost here!

Please join us at Beyond Stable Farm in Woodstock, Illinois to cheer on Team Knollwood. Walk trot and canter riders will show on Saturday afternoon, and walk and trot stars will show on Sunday. We're introducing Mya and Vienna to the joys of showing at the show, and we can hardly wait.

Some show horses are making the trip as well!

Easter Sunday

April 20

We're not holding lessons on Easter. Your instructor will schedule a makeup.


Street Clean Up

April 26

1:00 PM

All Knockouts are invited to our first service project of the year. Please join your fellow club members as they clean up Oakwood and Nagawicka Roads for spring. Be sure to stay for the Knockout meeting immediately following the event.

Not yet a Knockout member?

We'd love to have you! You can enroll with your instructor or an admin to join the fun.

UPHA Spring Show

May 3-4

Beyond Stable Farm

Woodstock, Illinois

We're back at our favorite facility for another academy show!  Please join us.

Mom's Ride

Saturday, May 10

6:00 PM

Knollwood Kids are giving their mom's an introductory lesson! For only $50, kids can tell their mom 'how it's done.' We'll start signing up on April 15.

Helpers must be at least 10, or an academy rider to be a 'helper.'


Food Drive Starts

May 16

Our annual food drive begins on May 16 and runs through May 30. 

Team Knollwood members who collect a minimum of five food kits or $100 in cash donations are eligible to participate in the Knollwood Olympics on June 7.

It's a great opportunity to help neighbors in need, and to have a blast at the Olympics.

KF Spring Show

May 16-18

It's almost here! Get ready to participate in our first show weekend of 2025.

Keep your fingers crossed for good weather, too!

Madison Classic Academy Classes

May 24

Our academy riders take over the ring on Saturday. Please come to cheer us on.

Show horses will be competing at this fabulously deep show from Thursday to Sunday, AND the Brat Bash is going on at the same time. What could be more Wisconsin?

Memorial Day

Monday, May 26

We'll be rescheduling lessons for the holiday. Your instructor will be in touch.

Prairie State Classic

May 30 - June 1

Beyond Stable Farm

The academy team will be showing in the big beautiful outdoor ring.  


Knollwood Olympics

Saturday, June 7


Photo by Collective Grace


See you soon at the barn!


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