0 comments / Posted by Ann Wilt

Team Knollwood prides itself on helping to raise great kids.

While the horses do the heavy lifting of teaching life lessons, everyone involved at Knollwood has a hand in interpreting these instructions.

We’re happy to introduce you to our 4 high school graduates of 2024, and the thoughts they and their Knollwood moms would like to share about the experience of ‘growing up Knollwood.’




Taylor discovered her love of horses at age 8 while on a vacation in Colorado. After their trip, Taylor and Mom attended an open house at Knollwood, and she spent the next 10 years growing up Knollwood.

Taylor has been a  fixture on Saturdays. She started in group lessons before moving to private lessons and academy showing. Taylor grew from helping to being a leader in the barn on busy Saturdays where she says, ‘We always found ways to make work fun.’

Mom Suzanne says that horses have helped Taylor in many ways. ‘Horses and riding have helped Taylor gain confidence in herself. Horses force you to be present in the moment and concentrate on what you are doing. They bring peace to a stressful day and love unconditionally. They give riders strength physically and mentally. You really can learn new things and do hard things. Many horses have challenging personalities and that provides opportunities to grow. They are all unique.  They can’t speak English, so you have to learn their language.'

Taylor wants everyone to know what Knollwood means to her. ‘Knollwood to me is one big family where everyone supports you. No matter what happens I always know someone at Knollwood has my back. It means a lot to be at Knollwood and know that no matter the type of day it is you always have support from someone. There is always someone to make you laugh or smile, which has helped me through the years de-stress after a long week at school or just a bad day. Knollwood means to much to me and will always have an impact on who I am as a person.'

Taylor is attending UW-Stevens Point where she will be majoring in Wildlife and Ecology management. She hopes to work with animals in the future.



Third generation horsewoman Payton started her riding experiences at home in Colorado. She was a successful junior exhibitor out west when she and her horses made the move to Knollwood at age 12.

Payton’s bubbly personality helped her feel at home at Knollwood. She says, ‘Everyone at Knollwood was so beyond welcoming and it has been such a positive experience with the greatest of people.’

Payton and Scott both tell it just like it is, and have developed a great relationship.

Payton says that the most challenging riding skill to learn was to take the emotion out of the ride. ‘It is so easy to get frustrated and upset when something may not go the exact way you want it, but to keep your head up and finish strong will outweigh the rocky parts.’

Payton has had the good fortune to show a number of grand horses. She brought Dos Equus and Undulata’s Crystal Illusionist with her when she made the move to Knollwood. Dos is excelling for a new rider, and Eli is still at Knollwood, and is currently being leased by Tess.

Payton’s current equitation partner is Gigi, officially known as Isn’t She Something. Oh, she sure is.

Beautiful, smart, and game, Gigi is as talented as she is beautiful. Payton and firey Gigi make a perfect pair and have enjoyed great success together.

Payton has created many, many great memories at Knollwood, but she says the most special is the chance that Scott and Carol gave her to rescue Riddle. ‘Watching his whole journey under the Knollwood banner and seeing him win a World’s Championship title has been such a treat. Scott, Carol, and Lindsay really do have the biggest hearts when it comes to the love of the horse.’


Her words of wisdom to other Knollwood Kids?

‘Enjoy the ride. It is such an incredible experience to be able to sit on the back of the animal we all love the most. Never take anything for granted, and take is all in.’

Payton will be finishing her storied equitation career at the American Royal in November, and is hoping to return to Knollwood to learn all about horse training. She’d also like to take college classes and continue modeling on the side.





Margit became a Knollwood Kid at age 8, and rode Hugo in her first in-barn show.

Margit quickly became a part of Knollwood. After starting in group lessons on Tuesdays, she advanced to helping nights and taking private lessons.

She rode on our academy teams, and we can always attest that she always brightened up shows with her unique sense of humor.

Margit has been a terrific role model for Knollwood Kids. She helped with camps and lessons, and even taught some lessons sharing her passion for horses and riding with some of our smallest stars.

From there, Margit has become a very accomplished performance rider. She’s had the opportunity to show Robert (Rosewood’s Homecoming Dance) in 3 gaited show pleasure, and to own and show the legendary Charlie  (CH Ken Follett)  and show in 5 gaited show pleasure.

Anyone who has ever seen Margit show will appreciate the sheer joy on her face when she’s going down the rail.

She says that the most difficult riding skill she learned was the difference between concentrating and over thinking, and realizing that making mistakes was not only OK but important in growing as a rider.

Mom Kara adds, ‘Riding has added the most wonderful facets to Margit’s life. She has learned in living color about actions and consequences. She has learned patience and the absolute importance of follow through. She has learned difficult and heartbreaking lessons about loss and hope. I think she has learned to respect the horses she has been privileged to ride, and see their individual and unique contributions to her formation as a rider and as a human.’

Margit’s advice to fellow Knollwood Kids? ‘Don’t let the temptation to compare your yourself to other riders and their journey cloud your happiness. Everyone has their own path, and worrying about someone else’s will inevitably allow jealousy and discontentment to seep in, and displace what should be a beautiful, wonderful, and fabulous time of your life.’

Margit will be attending the University of Wisconsin in Madison,  majoring in Animal and Vet Biosciences. She hopes to attend vet school and become an equine vet.




Alexa became a Knollwood Kid at the age of 11 when she had her first lesson on legendary Willy. Like Margit, she showed Hugo in her first in-barn show.

Alexa had been a fixture at Knollwood. Starting as a helper, Alexa moved up to being a Friday barn manager, and teaching lessons to our youngest riders. She even ran fantastic tiny tot camps this summer.

After a successful academy career, Alexa’s family purchased Joe (Sirtainly Stylish) for the 3 gaited show pleasure division. Alexa and Joe quickly became a team, and enjoyed great success in the deep division at some of the most competitive shows around.

Alexa says that some of her best Knollwood Kid memories were at pattern camps. ‘I remember inviting my whole camp group to my house that week for a sleepover and it was the best time. I also loved doing all things helping at the barn. That is where I met so many friends and was able to get super involved in the ‘Knollwood Kid’ life.

Mom Shari adds ‘Horses and riding have helped Alexa gain confidence, increase focus and enjoy the moment, build connections with animals, adults, and peers; improve resilience, and overcome challenges.’

Alexa’s advice to Knollwood Kids is ‘Take the time to get involved and meet new people at the barn. Spread kindness and share your love of horses. Focus on your own riding journey, and understand that it’s OK to have ups and downs. It’s not always going to be easy, but try to enjoy every moment because it goes by so fast.’

Alexa is attending Miami University in Ohio where she’s majoring in nursing. She’s planning on getting some experience and then returning to school to earn her Nurse Practitioner degree and hopes to specialize in child and adolescent psychiatry.




We wish these riders great success in their future plans, and we look forward to keeping up with them.

Knollwood Kids always come back, and we can’t wait to see you in the arena at Thanksgiving.

Team Knollwood is rooting for you!


What's Coming Up?

St Louis Charity Horse Show

September 25-28

National Equestrian Center


Parent’s Night Out

Saturday, September 28



UPHA Chapter 10 Fall Show

October 11-12


Knollwood Fall Show

October 18-20


Mane Event Horse Show

October 16-19

Illinois State Fairgrounds


IASPHA Fall Show

October 26-27

Beyond Stable Farm


Academy Parent Meeting

November 9

6:00 PM


Academy Demo Meeting

November 23

6:00 PM


Parent’s Night Out

November 30


Knockout Holiday Party and Election

December 7


Knockout Award Banquet

January 25

The Legend at Merrill Hills




See you soon at the barn, or at the in-gate




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