0 comments / Posted by Ann Wilt

We’re in March, and daylight savings time is coming this weekend, so spring is surely on the way, right?

That means that March is a great month to shrug off winter and get ready for more sunshine ahead.

March is a great month to ...

Join or Renew Your Association Memberships.

Each horse show is run by a particular organization, usually a state club affiliated with the Saddlebred Association. These groups of dedicated volunteers create opportunities for members to show their horses in safe, well organized shows. Our membership fees help to support all the work they do to support our horse passion.


Academy riders should all join the American Saddlebred Horse and Breeders Association. (ASHBA) The Association offers their academy award program to all riders competing in the academy division. Our Knollwood Kids earned a total of 22 medals in 2024, and we’re looking to do even better this year.

You can join or renew ASHBA here.


Are you showing at any of the Illinois American Saddlebred Pleasure Horse Association (IASPHA) shows in Woodstock this season? Be sure to renew or sign up here.



Are you showing at Summerfun or Summer Showcase?  These shows are sponsored by the American Saddlebred Association of Wisconsin, (ASAW) and you can join here.



Check Your Show Wardrobe For the New Season.

If you’re an academy rider making your out of barn debut this season, please be sure to sign up and attend our academy kick off event on Saturday, March 15 at 6:00 PM. You’ll receive handouts and directions about what to pack for every show.

Our experienced academy stars should check their show clothes for fit and condition. It looks like ALL of our riders have grown this past winter, so please double check pant and sleeve length. Review for missed buttons, and be sure you have extra tie downs in lots of different places. Tie downs break at the most annoying times.



Check Your Lesson Attire

Please make sure all your jods and leggings have tie downs on them. It’s hard to ride with fabric bunched up under your knees, and it’s difficult for your instructor to monitor your position with your pants halfway up your leg.

Do you have some nice form fitting shirts for lessons? It’s important that your instructor can see your upper body to help you achieve your best position.

Is your name in your helmet? With the many, many helmets that come through the barn each day, it’s often difficult to tell them apart. An adhesive address label works really well, as it stays put forever.



 Set Your Goals

Before you start showing in 2025, you and your instructor will discuss your goals for the season. It might be diagonals, it might be learning to use the ring well, it might be a body position goal, or even a certain academy horse to show.

Be sure to add your goal to our bulletin board.



What’s Coming Up?


Academy Kick Off

Saturday, March 15 at 6:00

New and experienced academy families are invited to join us for a fun and informative evening. Please sign up in the school barn lounge to learn from the pros about hair, makeup, clothing, packing, and how to tie the perfect knot for the ring.



Knollwood Spring Entry Window March 20 – April 10

We’re accepting entries for the Knollwood Spring Show coming up May 16-18.

Please talk to your instructor and fill out a form with your class and horse choices.

If your shows are included in your monthly enrollment, you’ll still fill out an entry form so we know your horse choices and class selections.



Easter Themed PNO

Saturday, April 5

The Knockout officers and board members are planning a fun evening with dinner, crafts, and games. We’ll start signing up in mid-March.



IASPHA Spring Show

April 12-13

Beyond Stable Farm

Please join us for our first academy show of 2025. We have some new riders making their show ring debuts, and some very experienced academy show stars as well.

It’s a beautiful facility, and is climate controlled for any weather.


Easter Sunday

April 20

We’re closed for the day, and your instructor will be in contact to schedule makeup lessons.


Spring Street Clean Up

April 26


Please join the Knockouts as they clean up Oakwood and Nagawicka Roads for spring. It’s a fun way to earn club service hours, and meet fellow members who ride on different days of the week.

Join us in the show barn lounge after the clean up for a Knockout club meeting, too.


UPHA Spring Show

May 2-3

Our academy team is headed back to Beyond Stable Farm for another fun weekend of horse showing.



See you soon at the barn.


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