Show Season, 2019, Here We Come!

Team Knollwood is heading out to their first show of the 2019 season, and we can hardly wait!
We’re heading to the Spring IASPHA show in Gurnee with 8 ‘A’ show horses, 2 ‘B’ show horses, and 8 academy steeds. We're looking forward to catching up with our horse show friends, enjoying the famous IASPHA hospitality, and getting the 2019 campaign started.
After looking back at show pictures from the last few seasons, we have a wish list for all our friends showing horses this season.
We hope you get time to enjoy the entire horse show experience.
Not just your time in the ring and in your lessons, but the WHOLE thing. Visit your friends in their barn aisles, watch horses work, get out in the sun, and eat some famous show junk food. You know you want to!
We hope you get to spend valuable time with your horse show friends.
Swim at the hotel, go to the concession stand, hang out in the highest seats you can find in the coliseum and watch horses, talk horses, and enjoy knowing horse friends both from Knollwood and from all over.
We hope you thank your horse’s caretaker.
All the time.
The hours are insane, the work goes on in all weather and barn conditions, and yet your horse is always perfectly turned out and treated like a star. Take time to thank your horse’s hardworking friend. Heck, bring lunch, breakfast, or baked goodies.
And tip.
We hope you practice good sportsmanship.
Sometimes, you think things didn’t go your way, and maybe they really didn’t. BUT, life isn’t fair, it just isn’t, so put on a pleasant face and move on. Congratulate your fellow competitors, be polite and supportive to all, and be there for your friends in good times and in confusing times. The horse show world is a small one, and good sportsmanship goes a long way.
We hope you take time to watch
and listen.
Watch horses being worked, listen to lessons and watch the show whenever you can. It’s amazing how much you can learn from observing. When you have questions, go talk to one of the gurus in the Knollwood aisle. They can make everything seem logical!
Junior Exhibitors,
We Hope You Thank Your Parents.
A Lot.
Your parents bring you to lessons, clinics, camps, and horse shows. They support your dreams with time, emotional support, and a lot of financial support. This horse thing is expensive in many, many ways, so take time to thank your parents for making it possible to pursuit your love of the sport.
We hope you give Scott a hard time.
About pretty much anything.
It’s fun to banter with one of the best. Ask him about whether ‘betterer’ is a word, ask him what he thinks of ponies, or well, just ask him just about anything. It’s guaranteed entertainment.
We hope you get time to be grateful for the whole experience.
Whether you’re an academy star or lucky enough to show in a suit, spend some time realizing how lucky you are to be able to play in this fabulous horse show world. You get to ride the best lesson horses in the world, you get to ride with passionate horse people, and get to spend time with American Saddlebreds. You are beyond fortunate.
We hope you hug your horse.