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Knollwood is a busy place.

It takes a lot of human capital to keep the show and school barns running smoothly.  We have many different employees with many different skill sets, and we’d like to show you how we keep the Knollwood world running smoothly.

Let’s start at the top.

Scott started Knollwood in 1978 when he was a child. After making the best decision of his life, and marrying Carol, they eventually purchased the current Knollwood Farm in 1992.

Scott and Carol both train world class show horses, and turn out champion riders year after year.

They both work horses daily, except for Mondays, and teach lessons most days of the week. Scott and Carol teach horse owners as well as advanced academy riders. They both adore teaching, as you can tell if you listen to lessons.

In addition to their base duties, each of the power couple have individual specialties.

Scott is a highly licensed judge, and travels around the country to oversee competitions. He enjoys judging, and gets to see horses in other parts of the country, which lets him see horses he may not at local shows. This oversight comes in handy when he’s shopping for horses for customers.

Scott has served on many, many boards, and is currently serving  the American Saddlebred Horse Association of Wisconsin.

Scott is our driver, and gets horses and equipment to shows all over the Midwest. If you ever get a chance to watch him park the rig, please take a minute to admire the skill involved.

In his spare moments, Scott shoes horses. He works on everything from lesson horses to beautiful show horses.

Carol? She runs the place.

In addition to horse training and teaching riders, Carol oversees the business end of Knollwood.

She keeps all the bills paid, the supplies coming, the show schedule organized, and the staff going in the right direction.

Even with her insane show travel schedule, Carol finds time for creating art, and spending time with her therapists, Hazel Belle and Izzy.


Lin keeps the whole thing running.

Officially, she’s a horse trainer and instructor, but she’s much more than that.

Lin started our enrollment system in the school barn, which has made everyone’s life easier. The system has freed up time for everyone to do the things that matter to Knollwood Kids instead of back tracking on paper notes.

Lin is our IT person and keeps the latest technology working.

Over in the school barn…

Nancy is one of the riding school directors, and teaches lessons four days a week.

She wears many other hats, too.

She’s responsible for the health of the lesson horses, and for their farrier care.

Nancy manages the ASAW Summer Showcase event in Cedarburg each summer.

She also manages the school barn care and maintenance, and for landscaping around the farm. She even orders grain for the whole farm!

Ann, the other lesson program director, teaches lessons 5 days a week.

She enjoys watching riders progress and build confidence in themselves. She travels to academy shows and preps riders with 3 academy groups each week, and 4 weeks of academy camp in the summer.

Other duties include managing three in-barn shows each year and advises the Knockouts on their activities.

Our staff instructors keep Knollwood running at capacity!

They teach lessons, and introduce new Knollwood Kids to the joys of riding and horses. Their enthusiasm is contagious.

They schedule their own lessons, and love to communicate directly with the parents of their students.

Some of the staff instructors have some added responsibilities, too.

In addition to teaching on Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays, Molly runs our mini camp program. She and her enthusiastic helpers introduce first time riders to horses and Knollwood.

In addition to teaching Mondays and Tuesdays, Brenda is our helper trainer and scheduler. She keeps weekdays and summer riding school staffed with friendly, helpful Knollwood Kids.

After teaching Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, Courtney is our master scheduler. She keeps schedules straight for 7  lesson instructors, manages the wait list, and communicates with customers about day and time changes. She’s a gem.

Courtney also handles Woodwear ordering, awards for horse shows and banquets, and generally keeping us organized. Her next project is a summer camp handbook for instructors.

Our admins are the first friendly faces you meet when you arrive at Knollwood. 

They help riders stay informed about upcoming events, get show entries in, and answer questions about many topics.

Admins also answer phones, forward billing inquiries, and help instructors with all sorts of projects in their quiet moments. Heck, some of them even clean saddles in their spare time!

Great thanks to Jane, Lisa, Marnia, Michelle PF, and Michelle Pi!

Here at Knollwood, we’re lucky to have a team of enthusiastic friends who are working for the Knollwood Kids.

What’s Coming Up?

Academy Kick Off

This Saturday at 6:00 PM

We can hardly wait to get geared up for show season 2025!

Knollwood Spring Show Entries

March 20 – April 10

Be sure to get your entries in to join the party on May 16-18!

We can hardly wait for the show!

Easter Themed PNO

Saturday, April 5 at 6:00

You can now sign up in the school barn lounge to join the fun. The Knockout officers and board members are hosting a fun night of dinner, crafts, and Easter themed activities. The event is only $25, and you can pay and signup in the school barn.

IASPHA Spring Show

April 12-13

Beyond Stable Farm

Our first academy show of 2025!

Please join us to cheer on 2 academy riders making their debut, and a host of other fun Knollwood Kids.

Sime show horses are making the trip as well, and you won’t want to miss it.

Easter Sunday

April 20

We will not be holding lessons. Your instructor will be in tough to schedule a makeup lesson.

Street Clean Up

Saturday, April 26 at 1:00

Everyone’s invited to join the Knockouts as they clean up Oakwood and Nagawicka Roads for Spring. Stay for the Knockout meeting immediately following the event!

UPHA Spring Show

May 2-4

Beyond Stable Farm

Sporting a new schedule, the UPHA show is always a favorite.

New this year, academy walk trot and canter classes will be held on Saturday, and our walk and trot riders will compete on Sunday.

Mom’s Day Ride

Saturday, May 10 at 6:00

Knollwood Kids, here’s your chance to help your mom in a group riding lesson. For only $50, you can teach your mom why you love horses so much.

We’ll start signing up April 15.

Knollwood Spring Show

May 16-18

Our first in-barn show of the year!


See you soon at the barn.


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