Here's To Our Knollwood Moms!
One of Scott’a favorite observations from the horse business, aside from alignment, is that a great horse needs a great mom, and great riders need great moms as well.
Of course, we may be a little bit biased, but we think that Knollwood has a history of great moms that is second to none. And, the great ones ALWAYS possess a grand sense of humor, so we know they won’t mind being compared to horse moms!
Here’s what both have in common.
Great moms teach courage.
You’ve all seen tiny horse babies outside in the first couple of weeks when mom is walking away to graze with a watchful eye on her new baby. While the foal may feel alone for a sec, mom is watching to make sure baby comes back, and instilling the first lessons in bravery and independence.
Knollwood moms feed their riders' passion for horses and make them brave. Once a rider feels confident around horses, they’re ready to spread their wings. Nothing makes a kid braver than knowing their mom believes in them and in their love of the sport.
Great moms teach boundaries.
And consequences.
You know that great moment when the foal gets a little too rough with mom, or strays a little too far for her liking? Mom reacts quickly with a little nip, or a wonderful ears pinned ‘mare stare,’ and pretty soon said foal is licking his lips and putting his head down in apology.
Knollwood moms have these moves down like the pros that they are. Horse girls don’t push their moms around for fear of ‘the look,’ or the talk on the car ride home. The worst possible punishment? Not being able to ride for a week.
We applaud these moms who hold the line with real consequences to raise coachable kids.
Great moms teach social skills.
No animal in the world is born knowing how to behave with others, that has to be taught by their mother. Mares act as playground monitors in the pasture, while Knollwood moms keep watch over their horse girls to make sure they’re being kind, supportive, and inclusive.
Great moms instill confidence.
And resilience.
As the foals grow, horse moms let their ‘kids’ stray a little farther away, play with others, and help them grow up in the pasture. They teach foals to ‘push the envelope’ a little, and stand up to others, testing them at play time. Foals quickly get comfortable running around with confidence, even when games don’t always go their way.
Moms of horse kids give their riders confidence by always being supportive of their adventures. Students will learn new skills, ride horses with more energy, and compete at different levels. Knollwood moms tell the kids how much they love watching them ride, and share our belief that more is often learned in the rides that test than in the rides that are comfortable and routine.
Great moms teach a sense of perspective.
It’s often said ‘If everything is a big deal, nothing is a big deal.’ Both horse moms and rider moms know this to be true. Horse kids and Knollwood kids quickly learn that perfection is rarely achievable, that the process to becoming a great horse or rider doesn’t go in a straight line, and that there’s unlimited joy in the journey.
Knollwood moms lead their kids by glossing over the little things, which is sometimes most challenging with an 8 year old who feels the world is ending because she didn’t get the horse she really wanted for a show, or a leadliner who didn’t get the ribbon she hoped for.
Great moms offer unconditional support.
It’s so important growing up to know that your mom always has your back. It’s what gives you the courage to push yourself to become a great horseperson or a great horse. When your mom has given you confidence and a sense of perspective, you can achieve many, many things.
We are grateful to the Knollwood moms.
In addition to instilling these important life lessons to Knollwood Kids, they’ve recently added teacher to their list of roles, and have been trying to maintain a sense of normalcy for their kids. And all of that while missing riding lessons!
We salute you.
We are beyond grateful.
And, while we appreciate you every day, we want to wish all the Knollwood mothers a very special and happy Mothers Day week!