The 25th annual Knollwood Knockout banquet is coming up in virtual fashion this Saturday, February 27 at 7:00 PM. We’ll be in the arena with most of our audience joining us on Facebook Live,and we can hardly wait.
We have a few additional seats that are available if you’d like to join us in the arena. For a minimum $50 donation to the Knockouts, you can sit in the arena and enjoy the festivities in person. Please talk to Ann if you’d like to snag a seat.
If you pre-purchased a swag bag, it will be available for pick up at the barn. Great thanks to Lisa for putting these all together!
The annual slide show is finished, and will be available via a link to YouTube. We’ll publish the link on Saturday. In-person attendees will view the slide show the traditional way in the arena. This year’s show is a good one, and we thank Wendy for all her work!
Coming Up?
We’re sorry that Patchwork Pony couldn’t make it in person last weekend, but they are willing to do Facetime appointments. Please see Ann if you’d like more information.
Our academy kick-off meeting is coming up Saturday, March 6! If you’re new to academy showing this season, please join us in the arena at 7:00 PM for demos and opportunity to ask questions of riders, parents, and staff.
Academy show meetings will be held with your instructor during the month of March. They offer the chance to plan out the season for each individual rider to meet their goals.
Our first out of barn show is coming up at the IASPHA Spring Show on April 17-18, and we can hardly wait!