0 comments / Posted by Ann Wilt

Team Knollwood gathered last weekend for our summer in-barn show. More than a horse show, it's a three day celebration of our academy program, it's students, families, and our magnificent lesson horses.

We ran the numbers to help all our friends come to terms with the magnitude of the extravaganza.

We had a ball!




Funds raised by the Knockouts.

Our volunteers ran a concession stand, created gift baskets, and offered games for kids. They also grilled, acted as concierge to the Sunday riders, and did countless unseen things.

Thanks to their hard work, the Knockouts can donate to valuable causes, and can defray the cost of the annual award banquet for members.



Trips through the in-gate by our walk and trot riders.

Our walk and trot riders were rockstars, and their classes were really DEEP.




Trips through the in-gate by our walk, trot, and canter riders.

Our walk, trot, and canter riders ranged in age from 8 to our experienced grownups, and they all enjoyed the big outdoor ring where they learned many, many things.



Riders participating in the Summer show.

From riders performing tricky patterns on Friday night to the leadliners on Sunday, there’s a class for every Knollwood Kid at our show.




Walk and trot riders showing last weekend.

Ranging on age from 5 to teens, our walk and trot riders put on a great show for family and friends.




Number of Classes over the weekend

With patterns on Friday night, WTC and 11 and over WT on Sunday, and our maiden and 10 and under walk trot stars on Sunday, we enjoyed quite a schedule of events.




Pattern riders on Friday night.

We qualified four riders for the finals of the Knollwood Challenge in October before we enjoyed patterns for both our walk trot and walk trot and canter riders.

These patterns were tough, and riders rose to the test.




Classes on Sunday showcasing kids from leadline to experienced 10 and under walk trot stars.




Walk, trot, and canter riders participating in the show.




Classes on Saturday from 11 and over walk trot riders to our adult walk trot canter pros.




Lesson Horses in the show

Hands down, we have the best lesson horses in the world.

The weekend balanced very evenly, with our more advanced horses working hard on Saturday, and our advanced beginner horses putting in a good day of work on Sunday.

Of course, they all behaved like ladies and gentlemen, and enjoyed a restful day on Monday after the show.




Personal Assistants

These experienced show riders donate their time to the new riders showing. They are each responsible for a horse, his care and tack changes, and for all the riders on that trusty steed.

Their kindness, patience, horse skills, and humor make show day a great experience for all the show riders.

We can’t thank them enough.




Pattern classes on Friday night

We start patterns really young around here, and were proud to have a full 8 and under walk trot  pattern class with riders performing a double serpentine.  Quite well, actually.




6 and Under Riders

Yup, we showcased seven 6 and under walk and trot riders. They impressed us with their horsemanship and use of the arena.  The future is looking bright!



Days of Showing

Team Knollwood enjoyed three great performances showing off all of our talented riders.




Sometimes, even we don’t know how this all comes together.

Actually, we know it’s the community around the Knollwood Kids that make this work.

We have the best parents in the world, and they band together for the creation of the show village. They grill, sell food and drink, sell Knollwood merchandise, sold game experiences, offered gift baskets and silent auction items, and made all the spectators feel welcome and involved.

Parents also served as the Sunday concierge and the announcer.

They did all this while helping their riders enjoy and learn from show weekend.

We can’t thank them enough!




What's Coming Up?

Worlds Championship Horse Show

Through Saturday, August 24

Louisville, Kentucky

Team Knollwood is having a great show, and most of our teams have made it through to the championships.



Labor Day Holiday

Monday, September 2

Your instructor will schedule a makeup lesson.

Enjoy the holiday!



Monarch Show Series National Championship

September 3-8

Colliseum of Champions, Illinois State Fairgrounds

Team Knollwood will be there, and even has a academy team competing this year!


Knollwood Knockouts Street  Clean Up

September 14

 All Knockouts are invited to clean up Oakwood and Nagawicka Roads for the fall. We'll host a club meeting after the clean up, and plan the rest of the year for the Knockouts.



Mini Camp

September 22

Noon - 3:00

Molly's hosting a mini camp for riders ages 7 and up!



St Louis Charity Horse Show

September 25-28

St Louis, MO



Parents Night Out

September 28

Join the Knockoout officers and board membersfor a crafty event. Knockouts will decorate their ribbon bags for the spring show, and enjoy dinner and games with their fellow Knockouts.

It's only $25, and you can sign up in the school barn lounge.



UPHA Fall Show

October 11-12

Beyond Stable Farm



Mane Event Horse Show

October 16-19

Coliseum of Champions

Springfield, IL



Knollwood Fall Show

October 18-20

Knollwood Farm


IASPHA Fall Show

October 25-27

Beyond Stable Farm



Parent Academy Meeting

Saturday, November 9

6:00 PM



UPHA National Championship American Royal

November 11-16

Kansas City, MO



Academy Demo Meeting

Saturday, October 23

6:00 PM




 See you soon at the barn, or at the in-gate!




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