The Best Things About Knollwood Summer. So Far.

Knollwood Summer 2021 is in full swing, and we're loving it.
Here are our favorite things, so far ...
Walks on the bridle path.
We’re fortunate to have a beautiful bridle path running along the back of the barn. Perfect for a relaxing walk while your Knollwood Kid is taking care of their horse after a lesson, a walk with the dog, or for our advanced riders, a walk after a lesson to cool their horse down. It’s a great place to see turkeys, too!
Slower Pace after Lessons
Knollwood Kids don’t have to rush out after lessons at night during the summer. Everyone hangs out while getting horses put to bed, and the conversations are priceless. No homework means more time with the best lesson horses in the world, and they adore warm baths and wet currying while cooling out!
Summer Riding School
Knollwood Kids who signed up early are having a blast at all kinds of summer riding school. Whether its Tiny Tot Camp, or Classic Summer Riding School, camp offers fun galore. Imagine summer Knollwood days with horses, friends, crafts, and memories for a lifetime.
What could be better?
Riding Outside
During the summer, we spread out and offer lessons in our two outdoor arenas as well as our cool indoor. It’s a Knollwood right of passage to have your first lesson in the ‘big outdoor,’ officially known as Patternland.
Summer Horse Shows
We love traveling to horse shows during the summer!
Our favorites? When we travel with both the academy stars and the show horses, of course.
Walking Hot Horses Outside
It’s the best.
After a lesson and your horses’ bath, you can walk outdoors and cool him off. You can spend time talking to your horse, or invite friends along for the fun.
There’s nothing better!
Advanced Camps
A week of immersion in the horse world makes a Knollwood Kid an academy star.
They ride, care for the best lesson horses, ride some more, learn horse psychology, geometry, ride more, and laugh. A lot.
Ask a Knollwood show rider their favorite memory...
Counselors and Helpers
These mentors of Team Knollwood make the summer rock. They do everything!
They’re the first people you meet, and they’re the in the barn at closing time.
From sharing their love of horses with our newest riders to making sure the horses are ready for lessons and cared for afterward, we could not do what we do without them.
We love having these stars in the barn.
Appreciate all they do? Tell them!
Naked Hazel
Yes, Hazel Belle Boxer Matton is finally without her layers of clothes.
You’ll frequently find her napping in the sun unless it’s really hot, when you’ll find her in the arena or the lounge.
If camp is in session, you’ll find her in the middle of the kids.
And if you’re looking for Richmond, chances are he’s hiding somewhere cool.
The KF Summer Show
We can hardly wait for the show to take over the farm on July 17-18.
The show horses will be at the Lexington Junior League show, so the place will be run by the best lesson horses in the world.
Goofing Off
You just can't overestimate the value of summer play time.
We play games on horses, play endless games of sardines, host the ocassional water fight, and spend countless hours enjoying dogs, cats, and each other's company.
What's Next?
ASAW Summerfun
July 8 – 11
Wisconsin State Fair Park
Our ‘home show’ is one of our favorites. Team Knollwood will be there with lots of horses, and 16 academy riders as well.
We’ll post schedules as they’re ready!
We are cancelling lessons on Saturday, July 10 as we’ll all be at the show. All Saturday lessons will be credited to your account, and we hope you’ll join us at the show.
The morning performance starts at 9:00 AM, and the academy classes won’t start before 11:00 AM
Knollwood Summer Show
July 17-18
We’re looking forward to a big show, and we have a few reminders:
Practice Rides will be held on Friday, July 16. Please see your instructor to sign up for a slot at 5:30, 6:30, or 7:30.
Lunch orders and payment are due July 9 at 1:00 PM. You can pick up your order form in the school barn lounge.
Please consider donating to a gift basket for the show. Themes and items needed are posted on the tack room door. The Knockouts appreciate your generosity!